The question is being asked in coastal communities – Does the Government want an Irish fishing industry? In all sectors of the industry there are deep concerns about the future, reflected in this edition of my maritime Podcast.
There are other storylines too – that sail will be needed to carry cargoes in the future due to climate change
40 years is marked of the organisation which has defended the rights of our offshore island communities – Comhdhail Oilean na hEireann
The History of Irish Fish Kills is told and, there is the story of the unusual years when Cork had its own time, different to the rest of Ireland.
“We are being managed by Europe and that managerial role is discriminating against Ireland. We are being put out of business by the way we are being managed from Europe, to the benefit of other nations, but not Ireland even though we have the richest waters in Europe.”
There is no doubt that the Irish fishing industry is in crisis, with a fear of terminal decline.